Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Children of the Holocaust

The children of the holocaust were probly the most affected by the war, and were the ones who had to listen to what there guardians told them to do. There voices where not heard, under the people who held more importance to the government officalls, because what is a child? What importance are they? The truth is, that children are the building blocks of the future, they were probable the most important part of the war, they were faced with the most fear and anticipation. They had to wait through the long and countless hours, while they watched loved ones die, and where taken away from their families. These children have seen such terible things, that they know what it feels like to be frightened, and alone. They have touched the hearts of thousands, they see the world an entirly different way than they did before their lives where affected by so many different situation. They are trying to protect us, the children of today, from ever having to come face to face with events similar to what they were faced with, to make our lives better, to give us the freedoms that were taken from them, to alow us to have lives better than theirs. The children of the hocaust are heroes, they saved this generation.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Augusta Feldhorn

Augusta was only 4 her and her family moved from Vienna, Austria to Belgium. When the Germans invaded Belgium her and her family tried to esscape to France but where stopped at the bourder and sent back. Terrified her parents sent Augusta to a convent to keep her safe. Later her parents braught her back to stay with some christian friends a few doors down from their home, when father, aunte, and uncle where take from the house when her mother was shopping for milk. Escaping the raid her frightened mother took Augusta back to the convent and later joined her poising as a nun.

Augusta was brave to be able to stay away from her family for such a long time. It takes alot out of a child being away from the people that they love for long periods of time. She was strong by not giving up and just hanging on just a little bit longer each day. Augusta was a good child, and daughter by being strong and brave for her family and loved ones.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Beyond Secret Tears: Lili Silberman

Lili Silberman was 4 when he and his brother Charles where separated from their parents. They where sent to an orphanage were they stayed for about a year. When the director of the orphanage suspected that the germans had discovered the few Jewish children that were hiding in the orphanage, she sent Lili and Charles back to theirs parents. Their parents sent Lili and Charles away again to keep them safe. The two boys where separated, Lili was sent away and was in hiding with nuns, he was afraid, alone, and yerned to see his family. The little portions of food that he had was usually rancid and moldy. He and the other chlildren lacked hygiene and were ill because of not being ableo wash or brush their teeth. Finally after 4 years Lili was reunited with his mother,father, and brother.

I think that Lili was brave by not gving up and always believing that he would be reunited with his family, and that things would get better. This is impressive that a such a young child would be strong enough to get through the war by himself with out a family, and not take out his anger on those around him. He was a calm patient boy that was willing to sick out any situation.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Krystyna's Story

When Krystyna was 7 years old her and her family went in to hiding in the sewers under the streats of Lvov (a city in Poland). Her family and twenty other people had to sit all day and all night against the sides of the sewer for five weeks. After those five weeks they were discovered by sewer workers and had to move to another section of the sewer. Finally after forteen months the war ended and they came out of hiding and where able to see the sunshine for the first time since they had gone into hiding.

Krystyna was brave because she was quiet and even though she was afraid of the rats she didn't run away, she stayed hidden. She was always wishing that she could come out of the sewer and see the sun, and the flowers, and play with the other children in the park. But she respected her parents comands and sat quiet for forteen months. This is an accomplishment for a little girl that would much rather run around and play.